一、 基本信息
二、 研究方向
1. 低损机械化收获技术
2. 颗粒耐破碎性评价技术与装备
3. 颗粒体物性建模及力学响应
4. 太赫兹时域光谱分析技术
三、 学习工作经历
2021.01—2022.01,名古屋大学(Nagoya University),Lab. System Engineering for Biology,联合培养博士(CSC资助);
[1] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. A combined experimental and DEM approach to optimize the centrifugal maize breakage tester [J]. Powder Technology, 2022,397(1):117008. (SCI Q1)
[2] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. HANDY: a device for assessing resistance to mechanical crushing in maize kernel[J]. Plant Methods, 2021,17(1). (SCI Q1)
[3] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. Determination and interpretation of bonded-particle model parameters for simulation of maize kernels [J]. Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 210:193-205. (SCI Q1)
[4] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. Damage resistance and compressive properties of bulk corn kernels at varying pressing factors:experiments and modeling[J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019,42(7). (SCI)
[5] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. MLR and experimental testing for characterization and classification of damage resistance of maize hybrids based on mechanical properties[J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019,42(7). (SCI)
[6] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. Effects of shape feature and loading condition on mechanical properties of maize kernels[J]. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2019, 44(1). (SCI)
[7] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. Effects of different moisture content and varieties on physico – mechanical properties of maize kernel and pedicel[J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2021,44(9). (SCI)
[8] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Tao Cui, et al. Properties and finite element analysis of corn kernels under uniaxial compression loads. ASABE Annual International Meeting, NO: 1901372. (EI)
[9] Yuan Su, Yang Xu, Zheng Bao, et al. Research on motion trajectory and dynamic in reciprocating cutter of maize stalk. ASABE Annual International Meeting, NO: 1700697. (EI)
[10] 苏媛,刘浩,徐杨,等. 轴流式玉米脱粒装置钉齿元件优化与试验[J]. 农业机械学报, 2018, 49(s1):258-265. (EI)
[1] 徐杨,苏媛,崔涛,等.一种谷物破碎敏感性自动检测装置. 发明.
[2] 徐杨,苏媛,崔涛,等.一种谷物群体抗压能力检测方法及装置.发明.
[3] 徐杨,苏媛,崔涛,等. 一种谷物破碎敏感性自动检测装置. 实用新型.
[4] 徐杨,苏媛,崔涛,等. 一种谷物群体抗压能力检测装置. 实用新型.
[5] 徐杨,苏媛,崔涛,等. 一种可调整偏置式拉伸夹具. 实用新型.
1. 十三五国家重点研发计划“密植高产玉米机械化收获关键技术研究与适应性评价”
2. 国家玉米产业技术现代化体系建设项目
E-mail:[email protected]