一、 基本信息
二、 研究方向
三、 学习工作经历
2024.1-至今 西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学教研室,副教授
2020.12-2023.12 西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学教研室,青年副教授
2015.09-2020.12 西北工业大学,生物医学工程,工学博士
2018.10-2019.10 瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学,系统与合成生物学,联合培养博士(CSC资助)
2013.09-2015.06 西北农林科技大学,食品工程,工学硕士
2007.09-2011.06 西北农林科技大学,葡萄与葡萄酒工程,工学学士
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(32302255),2024-2026,30万,主持,在研;
(2) 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目(2024BBF02005),2024-2027,28万,子课题主持,在研;
(3) 陕西省博士后科研项目(2023BSHEDZZ109),2024-2025,5万,主持,在研;
(4) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2022M712607),2023-2024,8万,主持,在研。
(5) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(面上2022JM-129),2022-2023,5万,主持,结题。
(6) 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动项目(2452021023),2021-2023,20万,主持,结题。
(7) 西北工业大学博士论文创新基金项目(CX201840),2018-2019,3万,主持,结题。
(8) 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目(2023BCF01027),2023-2025,145万,参与,在研。
(9) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(面上2019JM-360),2019-2020,3万,参与,结题。
(1) 《葡萄酒文化与鉴赏》,西北工业大学出版社(7/12)
(2) 《现代发酵工程》,西北工业大学出版社(10/12)
(1) Zhao JN, Lv QY, Liu MQ, Chen WZ, Li J, Qin Y, Liu YL, Song Y*, Lu Y* (2024). Effect of co-inoculations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and grape endophytes on the fermentation property, organic acid and volatile aroma compounds. Journal of Food Science. Accepted. (中科院2区)
(2) Lu Y#, Qin Y#, Sun Y, Joseph CL, Bisson LF, Song YY, Liu YL* (2024). Insight into the growth and metabolic characteristics of indigenous commercial S. cerevisiae NX11424 at high and low levels of yeast assimilable nitrogen based on metabolomic approach. Food Microbiology. 124: 104593 (中科院1区TOP)
(3) Sun Y#, Lu Y#, Joseph CL, Ma L, Bisson LF*, Liu YL* (2024). Metabolomic analysis reveals the interactions between Chinese indigenous and commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during wine co-fermentations at low YAN concentration. Food Bioscience. 60: 104362 (中科院1区TOP)
(4) Lu Y, Liu T, Bai RY, Jia YT, Chen WZ, Zhao JN, Liu YL* (2024). Potential application of grape endophytic fungus (Alternaria alternata MG1) as bio-adjunct and immobilization carrier of S. cerevisiae in improving aroma quality, polyphenol profiles, antioxidant activity and color stability of Merlot red wine. LWT. 198: 116034 (中科院1区TOP)
(5) Huang D, Ren XN, Zhong Y, Liu YL, Jiang J, Song YY, Lei X, Lu Y*,Qin Y* (2023). Effect of multi-step chaptalisation on physicochemical properties, potentially harmful alcohols, nutritional composition and volatile profiles of kiwi wine. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 58(7): 3715-3726 (中科院3区)
(5) Zang XM, Du Q, Qu R, Ye DQ, Lu Y*, Liu YL* (2022). Analysis of volatile aroma compounds and sensory characteristics contributing to regional style of red wines from Hexi corridor based on sixteen grape varieties/clones. Fermentation. 8(10): 501 (中科院2区)
(6) Lu Y, Shi JL, Zhao XX, Song YY, Qin Y, Liu YL* (2021). Improvement of the biosynthesis of resveratrol in endophytic fungus (Alternaria sp. MG1) by the synergistic effect of UV light and oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:770734 (中科院2区TOP)
(7) Lu Y#, Song YY#, Zhu J, Xu XX, Pang B, Jin H, Jiang CM, Liu YL*, Shi JL* (2021). Potential application of CHS and 4CL genes from grape endophytic fungus in production of naringenin and resveratrol and the improvement of polyphenol profiles and flavour of wine. Food Chemistry. 347:128972 (中科院1区TOP)
(8) Lu Y, Che JX, Xu XX, Pang B, Zhao XX, Liu YL, Shi JL* (2020). Metabolomics reveals the response of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway to starvation treatment in the grape endophyte Alternaria sp. MG1. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 68(4): 1126-1135 (中科院1区TOP)
(9) Lu Y, Ye C, Che JX, Xu XX, Shao DY, Jiang CM, Liu YL, Shi JL* (2019). Genomic sequencing, genomescale metabolic network reconstruction, and in silico flux analysis of the grape endophytic fungus Alternaria sp. MG1. Microbial Cell Factories. 18:13 (中科院2区)
(10) Lu Y, Zhu J, Shi JL*, Liu YL, Shao DY, Jiang CM (2017). Immobilized enzymes from Geotrichum spp. improve wine quality. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 101(17):6637-6649 (中科院2区TOP)
(11) Lu Y, Shao DY, Shi JL*, Huang QS, Yang H, Jin ML (2016). Strategies for enhancing resveratrol production and the expression of pathway enzymes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100(17):7407-7421 (中科院2区TOP)
(1) Yao Lu, Chao Ye, Jinxin Che, Xiaoguang Xu, Dongyan Shao, Chunmei Jiang, Yanlin Liu, Junling Shi. Genome annotation, genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction, and resveratrol biosynthesis pathway analysis of the grape endophytic fungus Alternaria sp. MG1. 균학회소식. 2018, 30: 23-25.
陕西省杨凌示范区西农路22号百家乐规则大全-官方标准与实战技巧解析 401室